This is not a portfolio, I wouldn't call this my work either - think of it as more of a work space, a kind of virtual studio environment. So look out for mock-up, ideas on post-its, links to the dogeared pages of publications, coffee stains on the edges of the page. Feel free to ask questions, make references and drop-by as often as you like.
Civic Action: A Community Platform for Envisioning

Civic Action: A Community Platform for Envisioning

The Civic Action exhibition at the Noguchi Museum was recently featured in the New York Times article “Policy, Painted or Set In Stone” by Martha Schwendener. The Civic Action project is a response to a growing need for cultural institutions to respond to the tangible threat coming from developers who,...
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Pollution Tourism

Pollution Tourism

A repurposed excerpt from my Pecha Kucha presentation at the New Museum’s Festival of Ideas for the New City in New York, NY (May 4-7). This was co-written with my partner and co-curator, Sarah Lidgus.
Slab Serving Size

Slab Serving Size

How can design practice –already largely inter-meshed with food science, production, packaging, point-of-purchase, preparation and consumption – play a part in helping us all to be more aware of what we put in our bodies? Our work is already at the source, even the cheapest products, in the most severe food desserts are the...


Using the means of creative intervention through designed events, objects and programs - we want to call into question the good, the bad and the amazing of pollution in NYC. And yes, we mean amazing.
China in Motion

China in Motion

China In Motion was an exhibition in Arup’s new public exhibition space Phase 2 at 8 Fitzroy St, London in the Summer of 2008. A selection of film, photography, models and digital displays focused on people involved in the dramatic developments in Beijing and Shanghai and the role of migration in making these changes possible....
MFA Design Criticism, Thesis Research

MFA Design Criticism, Thesis Research

Odor is currently an untapped medium of utterance, that while present in all design, is only just being actively engaged by designers as a product of and form of design practice to express value, capture moments, define identity, alert us to danger, stimulate desire and enliven environments.
Amphibious Architecture

Amphibious Architecture

Amphibious Architecture is a visual interface floating on the water’s surface, a veritable looking glass into the aquatic ecosystem. This manufactured point of connection submerges ubiquitous computing into the one element that covers 90% of the Earth’s inhabitable volume and which envelops New York City but remains under-explored and under-engaged. Installed at two sites along...
Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Location: Longyearbyen, Norway (near Svalbard Airport) Lat 78º,13’N / Long 15º, 33’E
Project Costs: $8,150,433
Leonard Nilsen og Sønner, Barlindhaug Consult AS and Multiconsult AS
Date: 2008